Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Baudelaire's - Chapter 54

Rileh: "Ughhh, I hate the new house!"

Lennox: "I like it, I can streeeeeetch."

Lennox: "And maybe even partayy!"

The happiness about the new house didn't last long before the  Grim Reaper came for Liam. Liam was a great husband, father and grandfather. He will be missed very much by his family and all of Appaloosa Plains.

Lynus: "DAD!"

The Baudelaire's are heart broken over Liam's death, he was such a major part in the family and they won't be getting over his death any time soon, he was so important to them.

Skyrim is getting much older also, she is such a great and well behaved doggy!

Lucy: "YES! Paintbrushes!"
Random much, Lucy?

Kieran: "The new baby is garbage!"

Nice graduation outfit Rileh, very nice.

Since Skyrim and Lanica are getting a lot older I decided that it's time to introduce a new pet into the family. Meet Boscoe, he's the newest member of the family!

Skyrim and Boscoe hit it off, they are already best friends!

They do everything together, from running around the house and swimming in the pool.

Rileh: "Help! Someone clean my plate for me!"

The newest Baudelaire will be here soon!

Boscoe: "Hey kid, want to share some of that with me?"

Well, who is this?
He is someone that Rileh met on her way home from graduating, he has just stuck around since and is getting very close to Rileh.

Introducing, Matthew Rocher!

Jocelyn *Gasp* "It's my birthday!"

Like mother, like daughter.

Happy Birthday to baby Jocelyn!

Everyone and their Ghost makes and appearance for birthday parties.

Lynus: "J-j-just act like that ghost isn't there!"


Jocelyn has those Baudelaire blue eyes! and of course the crazy mind of a Baudelaire.

Kieran's birthday is here too!
Kieran: "Hmmm."

Kieran: "Thats right, I sparkle, you don't."

Kieran: "Oh yeah, be jealous of my sparkles."

Rileh: "Boo to sparkles!"
Of course Rileh is going to give a thumbs down to everything.

Kieran has turned out beautiful! She looks so much like Lennox.

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