Brenner has been trying to keep up with his garden, he made a harvester to make it a little easier.
Brenner: "That's right, I'm about to harvest all these plants in a few minutes!" |
Milo is being taken from us!
Milo Baudelaire
December 23, 2014 - March 31, 2015 |
Clementine: "I think it's baby time." |
Clementine: "This hurts even worse the second time!" |
Clementine had another blue boy! I have a feeling the blue skin will haunt me forever.
Introducing, Ridley Baudelaire! |
Clementine: "I don't care if all of my babies are blue, I'll love them." |
Brenner: "And of course I will be stuck taking care of them." |
Ierik: "Hmmm, I think I see an odd flying object in the sky." |
Kip is so adorable when he's sleeping! |
It's party time! |
*Sparkles* |
Of course, another clone! I don't mind though, he's adorable and derpy. |
Clementine: "Are you derpy?"
Ridley: "Maybe..." |
Clementine: "Ridley, it's time to go inside, you've been playing long enough."
Ridley: "NO!" |
Clementine: "You don't say no, it's time for dinner." |
And it's time for grandpa Brenner to teach Ridley how to talk! |
He's catching on pretty quick, look at those big blue eyes! |
Hemingway is always hunting gems! |
Pregnant with baby #3! |
Ridley: "You're pregnant again???" |
Brenner: "Just holding my invisible baby." |
Brenner: "My evil invisible baby, mwahahaha!!!" |
*Sparkles* |
Cutie! He's growing so fast. |
*Sparkles* |
Kip aged up! I'm in love with his colors. |
*Sparkles* |
Egon aged up too! He looks a lot like Frostwind. |
Yuck! Let's get away from him. |
This isn't much better, cats can be gross. |
Kip: "I'm not gross, I'm cleaning myself." |
Kip: "Now you may pet me." |
These cats are getting stranger by the second. |
Brenner: "Does stranger mean more evil?" |
Clementine: "You're going to be a big brother again!" |
Oliver: "Oh, yayyy..." |
Oliver: "Can you read me a bedtime story?" |
Clementine: "Then the old man took over the world with his evil plans, the end. Wait... this must be your grandpa's book, we need to keep an eye on him." |
Clementine: "Goodnight, sweetie." |
Kip is dreaming of fishies! |
Awe such a sweet update.