The bug collection is getting bigger! |
Egon: "I have my eyes on those bugs... SOON."
It's time for Oliver to age up!
Wow! I knew he would look like Ierik but I wasn't expecting him to look identical!
Just for fun I decided to try out the same hairstyle Ierik had as a toddler, they look so similar!
Oliver: "I'm daddy's clone?!"
He has adorable pointy ears too!
Oliver: "Just admit it, I'm the cutest kid around."
Oliver: "Right?!"
Time for a break from adorable Oliver to celebrate Brenner and Sundance's birthdays!
Brenner: "Eww, I feel... OLD."
Brenner: "I guess being old is pretty awesome."
Sundance is up next!
Brenner: "Hehehe, sparkles are evil!"
Hemingway: "Are sparkles evil?"
Sundance: "I don't like being old!"
Old but still so in love!
And there's some young love in the hallway, shouldn't Ierik be giving Clementine the back rub?
Clementine: "That's right, where's MY back rub?"
Clementine: "I got a back rub AND woohoo!"
Ierik: "Are you ready to learn how to use the potty?"
Oliver: "No."
Ierik: "That's okay, you can be my baby forever."
Oliver: "Not the claw again."
Oliver: "AGAIN."
Oliver is tired of the claw but not tickles!
Brenner: "Alright kid, I know you have a lollipop. Just hand it over."
Brenner: "Aha, I got it!"
Oliver: "My lollipop!"
Oliver: "Give it back!"
Brenner: "Nope, it's mine now."
Brenner: "Snuggles make it better though, right?"
Time to learn how to talk!
He's catching on quick!
Brenner is evil but he's a sweet grandpa.
He is teaching Oliver everything he needs to know!
Oliver: "I've learned how to walk AND talk in one day!"
Clementine is pregnant with baby #2!
Oliver: "I'm going to be a big brother?!"
I don't think that looks too safe to do during pregnancy.
There will be two babies in the family soon!