Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Baudelaire's - Chapter 279

Wesker: "Must. Organize. Food."

Ierik: "Get me out of here!!!"

Sawyer: "Wow, that kid is loud."

Brenner: "What's up, Clementine?"

Clementine: "Nothing..."

Clementine: "I might have a poopy diaper for you... maybe."

Ierik: "I never noticed that you're purple."

Ierik: "When did that happen?!"

Feeding time!

Ierik seems a little suspicious of his milk.

Brenner: "Get out of the nursery so I can steal candy!"

Brenner: "Think about all of the awesome lollipops I can steal!"

Sawyer: "Lollipops, huh?"

Ierik and Clementine do everything together, they're the cutest!

Ierik: "See, this is how you chew their heads off."

Clementine: "Like this?"

Ierik is a little musical baby!

Of course, Clementine joined him. They both love music!

Loklyn: "Look at my food flipping skills!"

Look at his cooking skills! I'll take two dozen.

Clementine: "I'll take one too."

The first gnome passed away today.


Hemingway is an adult! The first thing he did was dig a hole and destroy the yard.

Fester has mastered the derpy trip.

Sawyer: "Can I just sit here and admire your beauty?"

Fester: "I will destroy your plant facing the opposite direction!"

Hemingway: "Fester is starting to scare me, I think I will leave the room now."

Zaylee: "Yay, it's time for cake."

Keinlyn: "No, it's not time for cake, it's time for MY birthday."

Make a wish!

Keinlyn is adorable! I love her.

Keinlyn: "I'm adorable AND you love me?!"

Keinlyn: "Yes, that means I'm automatically heiress!"

No, no it does not.

Whisker was creeping on the birthday the whole time.

All of the birthday fun wore Clementine out!

Keinlyn: "Since I'm a teen, does that mean I'm on baby duty?"


Ierik: "Where did this light come from and why is it in the middle of my room waking me up?"

Ierik: "It's a nice light though."

Loklyn: "He has good taste in lights."

Loklyn: "Make the crying stop!"

Brenner: "I love it when babies cry!"

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