Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Baudelaire's - Chapter 303

Starting out this chapter with a kitty birthday!

Egon is an elder now, he doesn't look much different.

Voxel: "He's still a handsome cat."

Shaylie: "Happy birthday, Egon!"

Shaylie: "Oh wait, it's my birthday too!"

Happy Birthday, Shaylie!

Shaylie: "Stop looking at me!"

Rude. It's time for Shaylie to move out!

Lima Bean is always sleeping.

There's some trick-or-treaters outside!

Sundance: "Are they here to steal our candy?!"

Laikyn: "No, grandma. We GIVE them the candy."

Nothing like a nice relaxing mud bath after a day of emotions.

Lima Bean is so tiny!

Lima Bean: "Look at my sparkly butt!"

Lima Bean is an adult! It's time to get started on those kittens.

Clementine: "Why are you always so emotional?!"

I see where Laikyn gets it from.

Lima Bean: "I'm just going to take this..."

Laikyn: "That cat is the cutest thing I've ever seen!"

Oh, and it's Laikyn's birthday! She's so pretty.

It's like Angry Birds around here, they're always attacking the pigs.

It's okay though, that cute face can attack anything.

Lima Bean: "I will destroy you."

Laikyn: "That cat is scaring me, it's time to get out of here."

Oooh, there's some loving going on so that means kittens soon.

Don't ruin this, Egon!

Lima Bean: "Ruin what?"

Lima Bean: "I'm supposed to have kittens with someone that attacks me???"

Lima Bean: "I'm going to be a momma cat!"

Brenner: "Jealous of my umbrella? I think you are."

Hadley went out to fish behind the house and got in trouble because she was out too late.

Don't fall off, Egon!

It's raining but it's still a pretty day.

I don't want to say goodbye but it's time, goodbye Strudel! You were a great doggy.

Strudel Baudelaire
March 1, 2015 - April 28, 2015

Brenner is slipping, his garden looks a little rough.

Lima Bean: "Are you growing me some fish?"

Lima Bean: "I think it's time!"

Lima Bean had two kittens that look so much like Frostwind and Egon!

They're both boys, Rembrandt and Snowshoe!

Hadley: "I feel like I've been waiting forever for the kittens!"

Hadley: "I mean, they're okay."

Rembrandt: "Groom me, dad!"

Rembrandt: "Well, I guess I'm just going to have to groom myself."

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