Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Baudelaire's - Chapter 274

The rain is clearing up so Brenner and Sawyer went outside to enjoy the weather.

Even though it's still a little dark, it's a fun day!

Omelette joined them too!

Zaylee: "I want to go outside and play."

Baby #3 is on the way! This might be the last baby for Sundance and Brenner so I hope it's a boy!

Whisker: "What's happening to my scratching post?!"

Pennie: "What is that on tv?"

Pennie: "They look like us but they don't look like us."

Brenner: "It's because they're evil like me, mwahahaha!"

Keinlyn got to work on her homework as soon as she got home from school.

Keinlyn: "Who turned the tv on?"

Keinlyn: "I can't work on my homework with the tv distracting me!"

Keinlyn: "Will you turn it off?!"

It's still raining! The dogs won't even go outside.

Hemingway: "I don't want to go outside so you have to play with me!"

Keinlyn: "Oh no, I'm going to crash!"

Keinlyn: "Did you see that?!"

Keinlyn: "I can't believe I thought I was going to crash while on the couch."

Hemingway only goes outside to potty, I don't think the rain will ever end.

Pennie is a different story, she pees inside and then Hemingway plays in it!

Keinlyn: "The kitty is in my way, I can't move."

Brenner: "Why are you outside?! It's raining!"

Keinlyn and Zaylee are very close, Keinlyn uses the sleeping bag to sleep in the nursery.

Pennie: "I've never seen this cat before."

Milo: "Because I just got here."

Milo: "Hi, my name is Milo and I'm your new mate."

Wesker: "I don't know about this..."

Loklyn: "Someone ate the last piece of cake and didn't wash the plate!"

Whisker: "I ate too much cake."

Whisker: "Loklyn will never know it was me that ate the cake."

Zaylee: "I wanted the last piece of cake!"

I hope Milo didn't bring fleas with him!

I caught all of the kitties together, Whisker feels like a third wheel.

*Tackle Hug*

Milo: "How could you do this?!"

Wesker: "I thought you liked tackle hugs?"

Brenner: "Hello, meow meow."

Brenner: "He's just so adorable!"

Milo: "How do I turn this on? I need a bath."

Milo: "I never figured it out so I guess I'll just groom myself."

Milo's traits! Kittens will be coming soon, I can't wait to see how cute they are.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Baudelaire's - Chapter 273

So cute and peaceful when he's snoozing!

Pennie: "Wanna play chase?!"

Hemingway: "Catch me if you can!"

Time to learn how to walk! Look at how cute that ruffle butt is.

Zaylee: "I'm walking!!!"

Loklyn: "Go, Zaylee! I knew you could do it."

Feeding time! Both girls are on the same schedule now so they do everything together.

Zaylee: "This tastes like bananas, is it made from bananas?!"

Someone forgot to put Keinlyn in her crib!

Zaylee: "I don't want to sleep on the floor!"

Loklyn: "Make the noise stop!"

Sawyer came to the rescue! She put Keinlyn down for her nap and started teaching Zaylee how to talk.

Zaylee: "Walking was a lot easier, can I just do that?"

It's cold and rainy out here, get inside!

Yes, dip your fully clothed daughter in the cold water... great idea.

Brenner: "It's cold outside but it's warm in here!"

Sundance: "I see toasty buns!"

Sawyer: "This Pug painting is awesome!"

Hemingway: "Why are you in my way? I'm trying to chew on things."

It's Keinlyn's birthday!


Adorable and derpy! I just love her eye color.

Sundance: "My daughter is derpy?!"

Sundance: "It's something in the air, right?! I bet I can capture it!"

Sundance: "There, it's all gone now, how hard was that?!"

Keinlyn: "There's something wrong with her."

Everyone is dressed up for a winter photo shoot!

They're so cute! They have to be cold too, time to head inside.

Hemingway: "Make this little elf kid get away from me!"

Pennie: "Time to get out of here before the kid tries to mess with me."

Pennie ran out of the room after peeing on the floor.

Zaylee: "Why is he mopping that up? I was going to play in it."

Wesker: "Hi!"

Zaylee: "Our kitty is so cute and friendly!"

It's not a very pretty day to be running around outside, Pennie!

Omelette: "I want to run around outside too!"

Sundance: "Not me, I need to beat this game."

Sundance: "I think I almost have it."

Sundance: "I... I lost!"

Whisker: "Your tv woke me from my catnap!"

Wesker: "Turn that loud tv off!"

Eww! Where do these nasty chunks of food come from?!