Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Baudelaire's - Chapter 197

Theo: "You smell like another dog, have you been cheating on me?"

Maisy: "This birthday is driving me crazy!"


I think I'm in love!

Stop scaring the kids! Your crazy behavior scares them enough.

Atley: "What kind of family was I born into?!"

Maisy: "You were born into a crazy but loving family with a tickle monster!"

Atley: "Mom is nuts."

The first step in a toddler's life is learning their first steps!

Atley: "I can't believe I just became a toddler and I can already walk!"

Bria: "It's really bright out here, I want to go back inside."

Valerie: "Back away from the chess table and nobody gets hurt."

Grayson is always busy painting, I think he does that to get out of diaper duties.

While Maisy still pretends to be a little kid at the beach.

Maisy: "Destroying sandcastles is the best thing ever!"

Zoey: "Your mommy doesn't know what she's doing, let Grandma teach you how to walk."

Zoey: "I'm tired of taking care of all of the kids."

Someone's a lazy dog!

Theo: "Mom needs to back away from MY food."

Theo: "And stay away from MY bed."

Theo: "And this is MY toy."

Someone is having some sharing issues lately.

Time to get started on baby #4!

Bria and Valerie love having breakfast on the porch.

Atley: "Get me out of this stinky crib!"

Grayson: "The kid is always crying, I'm going to go crazy around here."

Maisy: "I'm the only one that can go crazy!"

Atley: "Why is everyone always going crazy?"

Atley: "Is it going to be like that for the rest of my life?"

Only if you're heir.

At least she's trying.

Maisy: "I wasn't trying, I was succeeding."

Maisy: "I can't wait for my new baby, I love being a mommy."

Zoey: "Eugh, this better be the last kid."

Zoey: "How many grandkids do I have now?"

Bria: "Grandma is right, this better be the last one."

Wyatt always prepares the food outside, on a dirty counter in his underwear... I don't think I would eat a meal here.

They love taking a joy ride as soon as they get home from school.

Bria: "Hmmm, I wish for a plate of pancakes."

Bria: "My wish came true!"

That plate of pancakes was sitting there when you made the wish, goober.

After eating the whole plate of pancakes Bria decided to go for a nice swim.

Bria: "It's so relaxing out here."

Bria: "It's nice to get away from those crazy people inside."

Bria was awesome on the trampoline!

Bria: "Sit."
Elodie: "Has anyone seen any gems around here?!"

Wyatt: "I told Maisy she always needs to make the bed when she gets out of it!"

Baby #4 is another little boy!

Introducing, Isaac Baudelaire!

Bria: "See this? It's a fake smile. You know why? I don't want anymore siblings."

You just had a baby, at least wait a little while before starting on the next one!

Grayson: "Don't you think we have enough kids around here?!"

Bria decided to lock herself in her room and write, she can't get any privacy with all of the other kids running around or screaming.


I'm loving him more and more!

Zoey: "Look at my adorable grandbabies."

Grayson: "I know what they look like, they're mine too and I see them every day."


  1. how do they show the pictures of the grandkids? :) xx

    1. I think it's under friendly interactions, it's an interaction from the Generations EP.

    2. oooh thanks I'll have a look when I play next
