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Brysen loves his little girl. Piper: "Get this crazy man away from me." |
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Brysen: "Ahhhhh!!!" Piper: "Oh wow, he is definitely crazy. Act scared so he doesn't do it again." |
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The love between a father and daughter. |
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Well... who do we have here playing in his food? Meet the newest member of the Baudelaire family, Bleeker! |
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So cute, so fluffy and such a loving kitty! |
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Bleeker loves to scratch everything. |
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And streeeeetch. |
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All of the pets are getting along, Bleeker is creepin' |
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The older Lynus and Lucy get the stronger their love gets, he may be crazy but she still loves him so much and Lucy is everything to Lynus. |
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Lennox loves to just start exercising whenever and wherever she can. |
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Piper is so adorable! A spitting image of Lennox. |
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Skyler decided that it was time to teach Piper the basics of talking, Piper just sat and stared while Skyler tried her best. |
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Bleeker loves making a bigger mess out of a mess that is already bad enough. |
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While Lennox freaks out. |
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Bleeker also loves to do his "dirty work" on the kitchen counter. |
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Kieran: "Eugh, cats are so gross sometimes." |
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I think the Baudelaire's will just make that Bleeker's designated counter so he can do all of his kitty things on it. |
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Bleeker has taken over the house. |
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Boscoe roams around all day, he always brings fleas home. |
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After Skyler finally taught Piper the basics of talking Brysen decided it was time to teach her to walk, it's so much for little Piper to learn in such a short amount of time. |
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Brysen: "Come to Daddy, you can make it!" |
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Brysen: "Almost there!" |
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After a long day learning to walk and talk Piper was so hungry, Brysen fixed her some dinner and she went straight to bed. |
I love Piper she is so cute and looks just like Lennox!
ReplyDeleteI know I love her too, I can't believe how much she looks like Lennox. I am going to do a side by side picture when she gets older to see how much she looks like her :)
ReplyDeleteBleeker acts like Lanica...doing his dirty work on the counter!
ReplyDeleteI am loving Skyler.
He does, I can't wait until I get the time to post the chapter with Bleeker's kitten in it. I love Skyler too, I think I fall in love with each generation more and more, I love the Baudelaire's :)
ReplyDeleteHow long have you being playing Sims with this family? I wish the story never has to end! I think a side by side picture of Lennox & Piper would be really cool to see all their similarities!
ReplyDeleteI actually started the Baudelaire family in December of 2010 and I didn't like The Sims 3 so I went back to The Sims 2 and I finally gave into The Sims 3 around August and I have been playing non stop with the Baudelaire's since. I'm not going to end the Baudelaire's at 10 generations, I am going to keep writing with them for as long as I have the internet (which should be forever) I really do love this family, its weird how attached you can get to a Sims family.
ReplyDeleteI know I've only had my Sims family for a couple of days (well my Sims crashed and I had to restart yesterday) but I already feel attached the house got broken into and I actually felt sad with them. I'm glad your going to keep the Baudelaire's going because I think you're amazing at this and I love the Baudelaire's, do you still add any to the Baudelaire's 2.0?
ReplyDeleteI used to have a lot of crashing problems, I save everything on a flash drive now because I am so paranoid about losing anything. I do a chapter on The Baudelaire's 2.0 sometimes but not as much as the main story, I have been thinking about what I am going to do next with the story so I should be working on the next chapter soon, I'm definitely going to keep both stories going though, I feel like the Baudelaire's are my kids ;)
ReplyDeleteI was just reading through some of the earlier chapters and it made me miss all of them.
Crashing had never happened to me before and I've had Sims 2 since I turned 12, I begged for it for my birthday because my mom wouldn't let me have it before I was 12 and since I got it I've been addicted to it and I'm hopefully getting Sims 3 for my birthday but even if I do I wont forget about my Sims 2 family! :)
ReplyDeleteI love The Sims 2, I still play it just as much as I play Sims 2. I am so used to 2 but I am still learning about 3. I have dozens of families in TS2 that I need to get stories posted on, I have been playing with the same neighborhood on there since I got it in 2005.
ReplyDeleteI just love the entire game I was talking about it with my friend and I said that it would be even better if it was possible to combine your game on sims 2 with a new sims 3 game so you get the new stuff but without having to start from scratch again! I would be so happy if I could because I'm addicted to the game but want TS3 to add more things n have more fun :)
ReplyDeleteSince I have had TS3 I have thought they need a game that is mixed with both of them, maybe a Sims 2.5? I would love to see a lot of the things from Sims 2 in 3, especially the plantsims, babies without blankets and a lot of other things. I have been playing or "addicted" to The Sims for 10 years now, I don't think I could ever stop playing.
ReplyDeleteI'd prefer the idea of babies in blankets, I think I prefer it because it's new to me and I'd find it easier to tell the difference between girls and boys if there were twins or just 2 babies, I've only been addicted for nearly 3 years but I couldn't imagine my life without playing it - I can see myself playing it when I'm like 80! :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, an 80 year old playing The Sims, I wonder if there is anyone that old that plays it. I've never found another game that I liked as much as The Sims.
ReplyDeleteMe neither - it's just like a game that anyone can play and enjoy! My cousin is 8 and she doesn't understand how to control it but when shes with me she creates families and she loves it! And an 80 year old playing sims would be so funny!
ReplyDeleteI started playing the first Sims when I was 8, I didn't really know what to do with it but I eventually learned. I can't stop thinking about an 80 year old playing now, I'm going to have to Google that and see if I can find any.
ReplyDeletehaha ok i was going to ask which sims 2 expansion packs do you have? I'm trying to collect them all :)
ReplyDeleteI have all of the expansion packs for Sims 2 and I have all but two of the stuff packs, I was really into sims 2 so I had to have them all. I think Pets, Freetime and Apartment Life are my favorite for TS2.
ReplyDeleteI love pets & freetime & i really like university but it annoyed me when i couldnt change the dorm rooms to fit more stuff in!
ReplyDeleteUniversity wasn't one of my favorites but I loved a few of the things that came with the expansion, I had a laptop when I first got Sims 2 and it would never let me install University, I wasn't able to get it until I got my desktop in 2009. I haven't messed with the dorms in a while but you might be able to make the rooms bigger when you don't have anyone in college, I can't remember though.
ReplyDeleteoh ok well i had sims on my laptop and my pc luckily because i was installing 3 expansion packs onto my laptop and there wasn't enough space so i deleted old work that i didnt need but then i got on sims n the neighborhoods had gone and it wouldnt let me make another one
ReplyDeleteMy laptop crashed when I had it, I had overloaded it with Sims games. I lost everything so that is when I started saving to a flash drive, I'm glad I did though because I would have lost the Baudelaire's not too long ago if I hadn't had them saved on a flash drive :)
ReplyDeleteThat's good that you've got them backed up just in case :) what sims 3 expansion/stuff packs have u got?
ReplyDeleteI only have three expansion packs for Sims 3. Ambitions, Generations and Pets, I'm not really interested in the other ones. Pets is my favorite because I love animals, I like Generations because of the family gameplay and I like Ambitions because it makes it so much easier for your Sims to earn money.
ReplyDeletewhat's the generations one? it sounds interesting haha :) have u found any 80 year old sim addicts yet?
ReplyDeleteGenerations adds a lot more family gameplay and interactions, your Sims can even be in the daycare career and watch kids at their house. I haven't found any 80 year old Simmers, just a bunch of 80 year old Sims. One of my Google searches let me to old Sims kissing O.o
ReplyDeleteok . . . O.o
ReplyDeletethe generations sounds cool i love all the family play what type of things does it add in the family?
The main stuff it adds is.. bunk beds, strollers, a video camera your sims can use and playback the videos on their tv, your Sims can have imaginary friends and if they are good enough friends with them they can turn them real, treehouses. Sims can.. tell ghost stories, kids can play king/queen, tell bedtime stories to their kids, teens can get pull pranks, set booby traps, get grounded and go to prom, kids can go on school field trips, engaged sims can have bachelor parties before their wedding, elders can walk with a cane and all kinds of stuff. It adds so much, I love it.
ReplyDeletethats so cool lol i think i'll get it when i finally buy sims 3
ReplyDeleteby the way i dont suppose you know a way to go to school with your sims on anything for pics of them etc ??
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry it took so long to reply, I started feeling bad and fell asleep. You can't go to school with them but you could build a set and make it look like a school just for pictures. Another legacy writer (Lauren) does that for some of her chapters.
ReplyDeleteoh ok thanks :)
ReplyDelete*Has to go Sim now..*
ReplyDeleteWhen's the next chapter being posted?
ReplyDeleteProbably tomorrow but if not tomorrow then the next day, I'm finally getting over my cold so I can get back into my game for the next chapter :)
ReplyDeletegreat :) cant wait